
pip conflict when install the requirements during conda env creation

holytony opened this issue · 5 comments

The conflict is caused by:
The user requested safetensors==0.2.7
transformers 4.30.2 depends on safetensors>=0.3.1

To fix this you could try to:

  1. loosen the range of package versions you've specified
  2. remove package versions to allow pip attempt to solve the dependency conflict

Thanks for your reply. We will fix it.

the new commit still don't work

INFO: pip is looking at multiple versions of gradio to determine which version is compatible with other requirements. This could take a while.

Pip subprocess error:
ERROR: Ignored the following versions that require a different python version: 0.10.6 Requires-Python >=2.7, <3.6; 0.10.7 Requires-Python >=2.7, <3.6; 0.55.2 Requires-Python <3.5; 1.6.2 Requires-Python >=3.7,<3.10; 1.6.3 Requires-Python >=3.7,<3.10; 1.7.0 Requires-Python >=3.7,<3.10; 1.7.1 Requires-Python >=3.7,<3.10
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tb-nightly (from basicsr) (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for tb-nightly


CondaEnvException: Pip failed

You could try to remove the version requirement (basicsr==1.4.2 -> basicsr here) in the environment.yaml.

still fail to create the environment after doing basicsr==1.4.2 -> basicsr

Pip subprocess error:
error: subprocess-exited-with-error

× python egg_info did not run successfully.
│ exit code: 1
╰─> [26 lines of output]
No CUDA runtime is found, using CUDA_HOME='/usr/local/cuda'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/pip-install-wu_t02kr/basicsr_6e04e5debf474d2b874ec5c35346b495/", line 50, in get_hash
from basicsr.version import version
File "/tmp/pip-install-wu_t02kr/basicsr_6e04e5debf474d2b874ec5c35346b495/basicsr/", line 3, in
from .archs import *
File "/tmp/pip-install-wu_t02kr/basicsr_6e04e5debf474d2b874ec5c35346b495/basicsr/archs/", line 5, in
from basicsr.utils import get_root_logger, scandir
File "/tmp/pip-install-wu_t02kr/basicsr_6e04e5debf474d2b874ec5c35346b495/basicsr/utils/", line 3, in
from .img_process_util import USMSharp, usm_sharp
File "/tmp/pip-install-wu_t02kr/basicsr_6e04e5debf474d2b874ec5c35346b495/basicsr/utils/", line 1, in
import cv2
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cv2'

  During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "<string>", line 2, in <module>
    File "<pip-setuptools-caller>", line 34, in <module>
    File "/tmp/pip-install-wu_t02kr/basicsr_6e04e5debf474d2b874ec5c35346b495/", line 139, in <module>
    File "/tmp/pip-install-wu_t02kr/basicsr_6e04e5debf474d2b874ec5c35346b495/", line 67, in write_version_py
      sha = get_hash()
    File "/tmp/pip-install-wu_t02kr/basicsr_6e04e5debf474d2b874ec5c35346b495/", line 53, in get_hash
      raise ImportError('Unable to get git version')
  ImportError: Unable to get git version
  [end of output]

note: This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem with pip.
error: metadata-generation-failed

× Encountered error while generating package metadata.
╰─> See above for output.

note: This is an issue with the package mentioned above, not pip.
hint: See above for details.


CondaEnvException: Pip failed

after poking around for a while, turn out this has nothing to do with the project, the error encountered was due to the PyPI mirror I was using just don't have the tb-nightly stuff, after I switch to official source, it's all good