
This is my compiler construction project which is implemented for only lexical and syntax analyzer phase in Java.

Primary LanguageJava

Compiler Construction Project


This is my compiler construction project which is implemented for only lexical and syntax analyzer phase. For syntax analyzer the provided rules are: E -> E + T , E -> T , T -> T * F , T -> F , F -> ( E ) , F -> id

The code is written in java. Along with that for GUI Java Swing is used.


Recognize following tokens for the lexemes in the input source program: – Keywords: int, char, string, if, else, do, while. – Identifiers (ID): letter followed by zero or more letters or digits. – String Literal: (SL): anything that is surrounded by double quotes, for example “Hello” – Integer value (IV): example: 155 (unsigned only) – Relational Operators (ROP): <, <=, ==, <>, >= and > – Arithmetic Operators (AOP): +, -, *, / – Other Operators (OOP): assignment: =, parenthesis: (, ), braces: {, }, line terminator: ;

• Upon recognizing a token, lexical analyzer should output the lexeme, the token name and the attribute value based on the above table. • Store tokens in symbol table based on the above table. • Should properly handle the comments enclosed in /* and */ or following // . • Should properly handle the white spaces (blanks, tabs or newlines). • Also output all the data stored in the symbol table. • If the input to your compiler contains something other than the lexemes mentioned in the table above, then it should generate and display the error with: – The line number – The unrecognized lexeme in the source code and – A meaningful error message • For Syntax Analysis, if the input contains a legal expression involving operators + and * and parenthesis ( and ), your compiler should accept it and output “Compiled Successfully” message, otherwise give out error message with correct line number and a meaningful error message: Use the CFG and the Parsing Table given below for Syntax Analysis of the input.


Here are the screen shots of GUI:


Lexical Analyzer Working:

image image

Incase of Lexical Error:

image image

Syntax Analyzer:


Incase of Syntax Error:

image image