DeepRec is a high-performance recommendation deep learning framework based on TensorFlow. It is hosted in incubation in LF AI & Data Foundation.
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#1005 opened by Christian9971 - 0
#1006 opened by welsonzhang - 1
kafkadataset 多partition下会产生非常多线程
#1004 opened by victory1210 - 0
tf.get_embedding_variable stuck in tf.nn.embedding_lookup when ids is negative number
#1003 opened by welsonzhang - 0
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r1.15.5-deeprec2302 incr ev 在 restore过程中不能正确加载
#999 opened by HH-66 - 1
sparse feature importance support by DeepRec
#1000 opened by welsonzhang - 4
Memory leak in ParquetDataset
#998 opened by welsonzhang - 1
#997 opened by haolujun - 1
有升级到TF 2.x版本的计划和排期吗?
#992 opened by sysofai - 1
#985 opened by Confucius-hui - 3
A protocol message was rejected because it was too big (more than 1073741824 bytes)
#979 opened by SecretSun - 3
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进群微信 or 钉钉
#968 opened by WSX1211 - 3
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[BUILD] build failed with GPU configuration
#966 opened by zzhong44 - 1
Is GPU 1080Ti supported?
#967 opened by linjiuning - 1
crosstool_wrapper_driver_is_not_gcc 【 builf failed】
#843 opened by Lvjinhong - 1
Parquet dataset reader throw InternalError: Read uninitialized Dataset variant.
#965 opened by linjiuning - 3
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[SOK] LookupOrCreate in lookup_adapter has no matched func in embedding var?
#930 opened by MichoChan - 1
Build Issue while build SOK
#951 opened by sheidlin - 1
Can not join dingtalk group or wechat group
#946 opened by chengweiv5 - 2
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structure sparsity
#941 opened by zhang662817 - 3
#937 opened by starkeisntein - 3
CUDA Graph open fail
#940 opened by tuanzhangCS - 1
[Performance] GPU的 Op schedule threads 只有2个
#939 opened by tuanzhangCS - 1
[BUILD] build failed with GPU configuration
#938 opened by cyberkillor - 2
#928 opened by deep826 - 1
How to use workqueue?
#830 opened by zhoujingzhe - 3
Cannot place the graph because a reference or resource edge connects colocation groups with incompatible resource devices
#932 opened by formath - 0
ParseBatchRequestFromBuf 报错
#929 opened by dixingxing0 - 0
Error when running DIN using --multihash=True
#917 opened by treper - 1
使用deeprec的estimator分布式训练ps节点core dump
#911 opened by supercocoa7654 - 0
test Failure for TEST_F(OptimizerFusionTest, LSTMControlInputs) in
#895 opened by w066650 - 2
#877 opened by supercocoa7654 - 1
DeepRec support cuda 10
#857 opened by welsonzhang - 1
Why CUDA Graph could not be enabled in training process?
#862 opened by ITCJ - 1
#863 opened by supercocoa7654 - 2
multi-machine, multi-gpu sok core dump
#838 opened by wangcaihua - 1
[DLRM]dst pointer is not actually on GPU
#807 opened by kangna-qi - 1
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[Doc] Contributer CLA link has expired
#813 opened by StevenShi-23 - 2
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No OpKernel was registered to support Op 'PreprocessingForward' Error for Multi Machine, Multi GPU
#829 opened by wangcaihua - 6
Masknet replace batchnorm with layernorm
#810 opened by zippeurfou - 0
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