which RAM access is required?
chfw opened this issue · 2 comments
chfw commented
I am using RAM to build ecs image. As you can see, it was forbidden. Could you please point me out which access I should have granted my robot account?
Build 'alicloud-ecs' errored: Aliyun API Error: RequestId: 3AB7DE95-65DB-4F36-85F1-109820DDD8D0 Status Code: 403 Code: Forbidden.RAM Message: User not authorized to operate on the specified resource, or this API doesn't support RAM.
willmao commented
- AliyunECSFullAccess (create ecs instance)
- AliyunVPCFullAccess (create vpc or vswitch)
- AliyunEIPFullAccess (allocate eip)
you can also setup you own ram access control policy to limit packer to access the specific region resources!
zhuzhih2017 commented