
Unintuitive toggle behavior

tehunk opened this issue · 1 comments

Atom 1.34.0
macOS High Sierra 10.13.6
structure-view 0.2.1

Toggling the structure-view seems quite unintuitive.
By default, it seems to open in a right pane. Usually Git and Github tabs are open on the right as well. Keeping that in mind, I have trouble in some use cases.

Case 1: Structure-view is already open and is focused (toggle works as expected).
Case 2: The structure-view is closed but the right pane is open. Toggle closes the right pane first, and it requires another toggle to open the structure-view. Expected behavior: it should open the structure-view with directly on the right pane.
Case 3: The structure-view is open, the right pane is open, but it's focused on something else (such as the git tab). The same as Case 2, the toggle first closes the pane and reopen with another toggle. Expected behavior: it should change the focus onto the structure-view tab with one toggle.

By "toggling" it's expected to either open or close. I don't think it makes sense to toggle twice to open. Moreover, it shouldn't close the pane where structure-view is not even present.

i have the same issue to.

i would like to contribute, but i dont know how to solve this issue