
Install of 0.1.4 requires Git?

gitarian opened this issue · 6 comments

Why do I need to have Git installed in order to install Structure-View?

Installing “structure-view@0.1.4” failed.Hide output…
Failed to install structure-view because Git was not found.

The structure-view package has module dependencies that cannot be installed without Git.

You need to install Git and add it to your path environment variable in order to install this package.

You can install Git by downloading, installing, and launching GitHub for Windows:

Run apm -v after installing Git to see what version has been detected.


Update: Manual installation of release 0.1.4 seems to have worked. But trying to run it (Structure View: Show) throws another error:

Failed to activate the structure-view package
Cannot find module 'jquery'
Show Stack Trace
The error was thrown from the structure-view package. You can help by creating an issue. Please explain what actions triggered this error.

Strange, seems I'm the only one having these problems.

Edit: using Atom x64 on Windows 10 x64 Pro

First question is the duplicate of #4 .

And 2nd question, I guess you hadn't run npm install under the project folder, so error emitted for required dependencies. But if you run install instruction, Git is required again, you can find the reason in issue #4 .

Maybe you can install Git if it is convenient.

Hi John,

thank you for explaining the root causes - and sorry for duplication, I should have read better in the first place.

After installing Git it does work. Now I cant turn my actual goal, adding support for another (simple) language.
But since I'm totally new to Atom and Git these will become some trial & error fun. ;-)

Wow PR is welcomed!!! 💪

Hi John,

I just finished my first small change (support for soft-wrapped lines).

Though I'm a total newbie regarding GitHub, I did get the general procedure goes like this.

  1. Clone and prepare the repository --> [done]
  2. Make your changes --> [done]
  3. Commit (to local repo) --> [done]

What's next? Push is blocked (of course). Do I have to fork you repo to propagate my changes to you?

You should fork this project first, then commit and push to your repo, at last submit a pull request.