
Prepare Aref Ruqaa Ink for Google Fonts

yanone opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi Khaled,

analogue to Amiri, this is the last remaining issue (inverted outline direction):

    Ensure component transforms do not perform scaling or rotation.
    with /Users/yanone/Downloads/ArefRuqaa-1.005/ttf/ArefRuqaaInk-Regular.ttf

      Some families have glyphs which have been constructed by using            
      transformed components e.g the 'u' being constructed from a flipped 'n'.  
      From a designers point of view, this sounds like a win (less work).       
      However, such approaches can lead to rasterization issues, such as having 
      the 'u' not sitting on the baseline at certain sizes after running the    
      font through ttfautohint.                                                 
      Other issues are outlines that end up reversed when only one dimension is 
      flipped while the other isn't.                                            
      As of July 2019, Marc Foley observed that ttfautohint assigns cvt values  
      to transformed glyphs as if they are not transformed and the result is    
      they render very badly, and that vttLib does not support flipped          
      When building the font with fontmake, the problem can be fixed by adding  
      this to the command line:                                                 
      --filter DecomposeTransformedComponentsFilter                             

     FAIL The following glyphs had components with scaling or                   
          rotation or inverted outline direction:                               
           • glyph00457 (component uni060C)                                     
           • glyph00459 (component uni061B)                                     
          [code: transformed-components]