Leaderboard for the 2017 GaryVee Flip Challenge
(Ali from the future here - this application was my first MAJOR foray into full-stack dev. I built this the summer after I graduated high school, and it was a pretty standard CRUD app with user accounts and whatnot, which basically tracked people's progress in Gary Vaynerchuck's GaryVee 2017 Flip Challenge. The goal of the challenge was for people to buy useless shit at garage sales and flip them for a profit and somehow make $20,170 doing that in 12 months, so the app basically kept track of any given user's items flipped, and ranked them on the front page based on how much "profit" they accrued. I worked with a really awesome frontend dev, Rob Neal, and a less-than-awesome Vayner Media intern that "i-can-handle-the-business-side"'d the shit out of me in the creation of this project. We got featured on GaryVee's YouTube vlog at one point in the summer, which was kind of cool though I guess.)