

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Value proposition

As a user
I want to click on the header

in order to navigate the app.



Acceptance criteria

  • The header is always displayed on every page.
  • The app name is in the middle.
  • By clicking on the logo, you get back to the home page.
  • The hamburger button is part of the header but isn't usable yet.


  • Create the feature branch header.
  • Create the component Header.
  • Create the Logo component and make it a link to the home page.
  • Create the hamburger button, but leave it non-functional for now.

Looks good to me! I'll give the userstory a ✅ but I think, that adding the button for the burger menu without any functionality is a bit counter intuitive. I would suggest removing the button for now and adding it to the header, when it serves a purpose. 🙌