
/usr/bin/ errors on start

sjcoder opened this issue · 1 comments

Recreating conan_conanexiles_1
Attaching to conan_conanexiles_1
conanexiles_1  | /usr/bin/ line 170: redis: Name or service not known
conanexiles_1  | /usr/bin/ line 170: FD: Invalid argument
conanexiles_1  | /usr/bin/ line 172: $FD: ambiguous redirect
conanexiles_1  | /usr/bin/ line 211: $FD: ambiguous redirect
conanexiles_1  | /usr/bin/ line 214: FD: ambiguous redirect

here's my docker-compose.yml:

version: '2'

    image: test01
    restart: always
        - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_AdminPassword=REDACTED"
        - "CONANEXILES_Engine_OnlineSubSystemSteam_ServerName=REDACTED"
        - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_PlayerXPRateMultiplier=1.5"
        - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_HarvestAmountMultiplier=2"
        - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_CraftingSpeedMultiplier=0.8"
        - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_ClanMaxSize=8"
        - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_MaxAggroRange=500"
        - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_IsBattlEyeEnabled=true"
        - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_RestrictPVPBuildingDamageTime=true"
        - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_PVPBuildingDamageTimeWeekdayStart=1700"
        - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_PVPBuildingDamageTimeWeekdayEnd=2300"
        - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_PVPBuildingDamageTimeWeekendStart=1200"
        - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_PVPBuildingDamageTimeWeekendEnd=0000"
        - "CONANEXILES_Game_RconPlugin_RconEnabled=1"
        - "CONANEXILES_Game_RconPlugin_RconPassword=REDACTED"
        - "CONANEXILES_Game_RconPlugin_RconPort=25575"
        - "CONANEXILES_Game_RconPlugin_RconMaxKarma=60"
        - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_MinPurgeOnlinePlayers=1"
        - "CONANEXILES_ServerSettings_ServerSettings_PurgeLevel=3"
        - 7777:7777/udp
        - 7778:7778/udp
        - 27015:27015/udp
        - 25575:25575/udp
        - 25575:25575/tcp
        - /conan-files:/conanexiles
        - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro
        - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro

image is test01 because i changed timezone to US/Central via Dockerfile:

FROM alinmear/docker-conanexiles:latest
RUN ln -snf /usr/share/zoneinfo/US/Central /etc/localtime && echo US/Central > /etc/timezone

@sjcoder as i already mentioned within the readme i introduced redis for the multi server setup. I am using a bash library for communicating with the redis instance.

ATM i am not able to deal with a missing redis instance. But this should not be a problem for the functionality of your setup.

The conan exiles container is also working without a redis instance. At the moment this is only needed for a master / slave setup of multiple instances. I will check how to deal with this error msgs properly.

Please have a look at the readme. i gave a short explanation why this uncatched msgs are like this.