
WARNING No valid index page and No output files in batch_0001\001

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I tried to run this program to download some SEC filings text. The installation process was smooth in Anaconda. However, when I run it, I just cannot obtain any outputs in the batch_000x\001 folder. I tried to update all the dependencies but it did not help. Appreciate if anyone can help here. Thanks so much!

One of my trails is as follows:

(base) C:\Users\x>python SEC-EDGAR-text-master --storage=C:\Users\y --start=20170101 --end=99991231 --filings=10-Q --multiprocessing_cores=8 --start_company=0 --end_company=10
Enter filing report period ccyy, ccyymm etc. (default: all periods): all periods
20210515 10:32:40 INFO =================================================================
20210515 10:32:40 INFO Analysis started at 20210515 10:32:40
20210515 10:32:40 INFO Command line: SEC-EDGAR-text-master
20210515 10:32:40 INFO Arguments: SEC-EDGAR-text-master --storage=C:\Users\y --start=20170101 --end=99991231 --filings=10-Q --multiprocessing_cores=8 --start_company=0 --end_company=10
20210515 10:32:40 INFO =================================================================
20210515 10:32:40 INFO Opened SQL connection: C:\Users\y\metadata.sqlite3
20210515 10:32:40 INFO Traffic Limit Pause (ms): 0
20210515 10:32:40 INFO Using companies list: SEC-EDGAR-text-master\companies_list.txt
20210515 10:32:40 INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
20210515 10:32:40 INFO Downloading 504 companies: SEC-EDGAR-text-master\companies_list.txt
20210515 10:32:40 INFO Filings period: 20170101 - 99991231
20210515 10:32:40 INFO Filings search: ['10-Q']
20210515 10:32:40 INFO Storage location: C:\Users\y
20210515 10:32:40 INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------
20210515 10:32:40 INFO Saving extracts (if successful) only. Not saving source documents locally.
20210515 10:32:40 INFO SEC filing date range: 20170101 to 99991231
20210515 10:32:40 INFO Batch number: 5, begin downloading company: 1 / 10
20210515 10:32:40 INFO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20210515 10:32:40 INFO Query EDGAR database for 10-Q, Search: 0000354950 (HD)
20210515 10:32:41 DEBUG EDGAR search URL:
20210515 10:32:41 INFO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20210515 10:32:41 INFO Identified 0 filings, gathering SEC metadata and document links...
20210515 10:32:42 DEBUG Finished attempting to download all the 10-Q forms for HD
20210515 10:32:42 INFO Batch number: 5, begin downloading company: 2 / 10
20210515 10:32:42 INFO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20210515 10:32:42 INFO Query EDGAR database for 10-Q, Search: 0000050104 (TSO)
20210515 10:32:42 DEBUG EDGAR search URL:
20210515 10:32:42 INFO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20210515 10:32:42 INFO Identified 5 filings, gathering SEC metadata and document links...
20210515 10:32:43 WARNING No valid index page, attempt 1:
20210515 10:32:57 WARNING No valid index page, attempt 1:
20210515 10:33:11 WARNING No valid index page, attempt 1:
20210515 10:33:24 DEBUG Finished attempting to download all the 10-Q forms for TSO
