
Hamburger button and other views don't have id

Opened this issue · 3 comments

In case of automatic functional testing, we need id of all views. How can we provide them with your library?
Tanks in advance

I don't know what are you talking about. Is it possible in original toolbar?
All views of what? Included in toolbar?

you can find Menu Items id's with this way

RtlToolbar toolbar = findViewById(;

//for Action Menu Items
ActionMenuItemView btnSearch = (ActionMenuItemView) toolbar.findViewById(;

Sorry for being late!
@alirezaafkar Yes all views, including views inside the toolbar. All ImageViews, Buttons, ...

@farzad119 I don't know what "all" means in your language but as Google suggests it means "used to refer to the whole quantity or extent of a particular group or thing"