API Spec

The API accepts a json-encoded post request to its endpoint. The post body must include an array of ticket arrays that each contain two strings, an airport source and an airport destination. The response will be a json-encoded array containing two strings, the initial departure airport and the final arrival airport.

We can test tis project using Postman The following option would return ["SFO","EWR"]:


There are over 100,000 flights a day, with millions of people and cargo being transferred around the world. With so many people, and different carrier/agency groups it can be hard to track where a person might be. In order to determine the flight path of a person, we must sort through all of their flight records.


To create a microservice API that can help us understand and track how a particular person flight path. The API should accept a request that includes a list of flights, which are defined by a source and destination airport code. These flights may not be listed in order and will need to be sorted to find the total flight paths starting and ending airports.


[['SFO', 'EWR']] => ['SFO', 'EWR']

[['ATL', 'EWR'], ['SFO', 'ATL']] => ['SFO', 'EWR']

[['IND', 'EWR'], ['SFO', 'ATL'], ['GSO', 'IND'], ['ATL', 'GSO']] => ['SFO', 'EWR']