Diversity and inclusion at tech events isn't so great.

Let's do better.

A guide to radical inclusion in both physical and digital spaces in the tech industry.

(Want to learn more about current problems with diversity, inclusion, and equity in the tech industry? Check out So You Just Learned There are Problems in the Tech Industry.)

Some marginalized identites we need to do a better job of including at tech events.

  • trans people, nonbinary people
  • neurodiversity
  • visible disability
  • invisible disability
  • race and ethnicity
  • people with dependents (children, elderly)
  • dietary restrictions
  • national origin and documentation status

Some things to consider when planning an event:

  • meals
  • allergies
  • illnesses
  • media consent
  • children
  • bathrooms
  • accessibility services
  • translation
  • drugs, alcohol
  • trigger/content warnings
  • codes of conduct
  • consent, respect
  • differing tolerence for socialization and stimulation

Ways we can do better:

  1. When creating a group or planning an event, consider carefully how you name it. Instead of "Women in Tech", consider something that includes all marginalized genders.

  2. Always provide pronoun buttons or stickers for attendees. Consider the ratio of pronouns to get, and make sure you have blanks and extras. This article is also available in print ready zine form so you can easily share it with all of your co-organizers!

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