
Parens / grouping gives "params should be separated by commas" error

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Nice work on this! I'm doing some stuff in Lox and Go, and ran across what I think is a bug in your parser. The following program produces an unexpected error:

$ echo 'var ch = 40; print (ch >= 48);' | ~/go/bin/golox
> [line 1] Error at >=: params should be separated by commas.

But it's a perfectly valid Lox program, and JLox handles it fine (and prints false as expected).

Hi, benhoyt! Thanks for trying out my implementation of lox. I'm really sorry I haven't checked this repo for this a long time. I fixed this bug. It was because I introduced the lambda function notation. Now the parser was fixed. :-)

Excellent, thanks!