This is a simple rospackage to simulate and control a robot.
Here is the instruction for using the package:
$ mkdir -p catkin_ws/src
$ cd catkin_ws/src
$ git clone
$ cd ..
$ source /opt/ros/<distro>/setup.bash
$ catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ roscore &
$ rosrun stage_ros stageros $(rospack find second_assignment)/world/
in order to run the controller node, open a new terminal in the same directory and run the following commands:
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ rosrun second_assignment controller_node
now robot starts to move in the circuit.
For initializing the command node also, in a new terminal run the following commands:
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ rosrun second_assignment command_node
you can input new values for robot speed between 0 and 2 or reset the robot position.
The rosgraph would look like this:
Software architecture in this project is based on two nodes:
- Command Node: Gets robot speed or reset position request from user and publishes them on command topic
- Controller Node: Subscribes command and base_scan topics and publishes the robot control signal with respect to detected obstacles to cmd_vel topic. It also calls reset_srv to reset robot position if user has requested so.
controller node:
if reset command is subscribed
request reset position service
if there is no obstacle in front of robot
move robot forward with the user input speed
if robot is getting close to the obstacle from the left side
stop the robot and turn it to the right side
if robot is getting close to the obstacle from the right side
stop the robot and turn it to the left side
if robot is closer to the obstacle in the left side
while there is still obstacle in front of robot
if reset command is subscribed
request reset position service
turn robot to the right
while there is still obstacle in front of robot
if reset command is subscribed
request reset position service
turn robot to the left
command node:
print("enter robot speed or enter "r" to reset robot position:")
if("string" == "r")
publish reset command
speed = str2float("string")
if(0<speed<2) publish speed
else print("error")