test on kitti
Closed this issue · 3 comments
RuntimeError: shape '[1, 7, 7, 23, 7, 256]' is invalid for input of size 2060800
When I test on the kitti dataset, I can't get the output depth map, and the run reports an error as above.Thank you!!!
Hi, I'm facing the same issue also, do you have any conclusion? Thanks!
The test is defulted used for NYU dataset, therefore u should:
Make sure that args.input_height, width is set to 352,1216.
Use --do_kb_crop to get the right shape.
The test is defulted used for NYU dataset, therefore u should: Make sure that args.input_height, width is set to 352,1216. Use --do_kb_crop to get the right shape.
Thank you for your suggestion, I encountered the same problem. However, I found that the size of the images in my KITTI dataset is 375*1242. Why is that? How should I set it?