
help里要求用Permissions.N.xxx参数 但是help里没有列出来 也用不了

mondomuyo opened this issue · 2 comments

  • 命令格式:
    aliyun help ecs AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress
  • 执行命令:
    aliyun help ecs AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress
  • 输出:
    Alibaba Cloud Command Line Interface Version 3.0.196

Product: Ecs (Elastic Compute Service)

--RegionId String Required

The region ID of the source security group. You can call the DescribeRegions operation to query the most recent region list.

--SecurityGroupId String Required

The security group ID.

--ClientToken String Optional

The client token that is used to ensure the idempotence of the request. You can use the client to generate the token, but you must make sure that the token is unique among different requests. The token can contain only ASCII characters and cannot exceed 64 characters in length. For more information, see Ensure idempotence.

--Description String Optional

This parameter is deprecated. Use Permissions.N.Description to specify the description of security group rule N.

--DestCidrIp String Optional

This parameter is deprecated. Use Permissions.N.DestCidrIp to specify the destination IPv4 CIDR block.

--DestGroupId String Optional

This parameter is deprecated. Use Permissions.N.DestGroupId to specify the ID of the destination security group.

--DestGroupOwnerAccount String Optional

This parameter is deprecated. Use Permissions.N.DestGroupOwnerAccount to specify the Alibaba Cloud account that manages the destination security group.

--DestGroupOwnerId Long Optional

This parameter is deprecated. Use Permissions.N.DestGroupOwnerId to specify the ID of the Alibaba Cloud account that manages the destination security group.

--DestPrefixListId String Optional

This parameter is deprecated. Use Permissions.N.DestPrefixListId to specify the ID of the destination prefix list.

--IpProtocol String Optional

This parameter is deprecated. Use Permissions.N.IpProtocol to specify the transport layer protocol.

--Ipv6DestCidrIp String Optional

This parameter is deprecated. Use Permissions.N.Ipv6DestCidrIp to specify the destination IPv6 CIDR block.

--Ipv6SourceCidrIp String Optional

This parameter is deprecated. Use Permissions.N.Ipv6SourceCidrIp to specify the source IPv6 CIDR block.

--NicType String Optional

This parameter is deprecated. Use Permissions.N.NicType to specify the NIC type.

--Permissions Array Optional

The security group rules. Valid values of N: 1 to 100.

--Policy String Optional

This parameter is deprecated. Use Permissions.N.Policy to specify whether to allow outbound access.

--PortRange String Optional

This parameter is deprecated. Use Permissions.N.PortRange to specify the range of destination ports.

--Priority String Optional

This parameter is deprecated. Use Permissions.N.Priority to specify the rule priority.

--SourceCidrIp String Optional

This parameter is deprecated. Use Permissions.N.SourceCidrIp to specify the source IPv4 CIDR block.

--SourcePortRange String Optional

This parameter is deprecated. Use Permissions.N.SourcePortRange to specify the range of source ports.


明白了 我加个--force试试 谢谢