
Pagination for lists is missing when maxReturnedResults is -1

AnnJul opened this issue · 1 comments

When the maximal number of results should be unlimited "maxNumResults" should be -1.
For the search results it works fine. The class CmsSolrIndex returns Integer.MAX_VALUE if maxNumResults is < 0 and all results will be shown.
For the pagination we check ${search.numPages} > 1 ( in our jsp. This returns -1 and the pagination is missing.

     * @see
    public int getNumPages() {
        return m_solrResultList == null ? 1 : m_controller.getPagination().getConfig().getNumPages(getNumMaxReturned());

     * @see
public long getNumMaxReturned() {
        long maxReturnedResults = Integer.valueOf(
        return (maxReturnedResults >= 0) && (maxReturnedResults > getNumFound()) ? getNumFound() : maxReturnedResults;

OpenCms Version 14

Fixed in master branch.