
stable stimulus frequency in unity

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello, I'm trying to apply SSVEP to VR (HTC), and I'm facing an issue that Unity cannot generate a stable stimulus frequency. How did you address this issue?

Hello, there may be an issue related to the device's frame rate and the frequency of the SSVEP you are attempting to generate. We found that factors of the frequency yield the best results. Additionally, consider comparing whether a square wave vs a sine wave SSVEP makes differences.
You can take a look at the Unity project

Thank you for addressing my question. I noticed the 'SSVEP.cs' script in your Unity project, where the 'FixedUpdate()' method runs at intervals of 0.0111111s. I'm curious about the choice of stimulation frequencies for your SSVEP. I believe that generating precise stimulation frequencies can be challenging.