
Error to compact file

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I'm trying to unzip the 3 out of 10 game pak file.
To unzip the ThreeTen-WindowsNoEditor.pak file I performed the following: UnrealPak.exe ThreeTen-WindowsNoEditor.pak -Extract C:/Users/Guilherme/Desktop/UnrealPakTool/output

Then I tried to compress to see if it worked but it gave me the error:
UnrealPak.exe ThreeTen-WindowsNoEditor.pak -Repack -Output='C:/Users/Guilherme/Desktop/UnrealPakTool/output'


What am I doing wrong?
My idea is to translate the game to Portuguese.

u must have additional file
put UnrealPak in this folder UE_Pack_4_26_2\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealPak.exe
then add file to this folder UE_Pack_4_26_2\Engine\Config\BaseEngine.ini
create BaseEngine.ini with minimal data

Root=(Type=KeyLength, Length=120, Inner=AsyncPut)
AsyncPut=(Type=AsyncPut, Inner=Hierarchy)
Hierarchy=(Type=Hierarchical, Inner=Boot, Inner=Pak, Inner=EnginePak, Inner=Local, Inner=Shared)
Local=(Type=FileSystem, ReadOnly=false, Clean=false, Flush=false, PurgeTransient=true, DeleteUnused=true, UnusedFileAge=34, FoldersToClean=-1, PromptIfMissing=true, Path=%ENGINEDIR%DerivedDataCache, EnvPathOverride=UE-LocalDataCachePath, EditorOverrideSetting=LocalDerivedDataCache)