
Http 401 in Reports section

mathrb opened this issue · 9 comments

mathrb commented


We have a selfhosted version of clearml. Everything works fine but the reports section, where widget integration (for example to display tasks plots/scalars) does not work.
Looking at the request being made by the web browser shows a 401 Http error:
POST https://app.clearml.<REDACTED>.com/api/v2.24/reports.get_task_data?
Other requests made by the front to the API look like this and work:
POST https://api.clearml.<REDACTED>.com/v2.24/projects.get_model_tags

It look likes widgets don't use the right hostname to perform api queries.

Any idea of what is misconfigured?
The stack is deployed via docker-compose on a linux server


Could it be because of this code found in the clearml-web repository:
As I understand it, it reroute to url + api. In my case, it should be https://api.clearml.<REDACTED>.com/ instead of https://app.clearml.<REDACTED>.com/api. Any possible workaround?


Hi @mathrb, ClearML Server contains a reverse proxy that should allow calls to https://app.clearml.<REDACTED>.com/api. Can you check the browser developer tools and see the details of the ClearML Cookie? It's possible it's not being used by the browser for this request

mathrb commented

Hi @jkhenning ,
Indeed there's no cookie associated with the request.

And the cookie set on the main WebApp page, can you share its details?

mathrb commented

Hello @jkhenning

Here is the cookie when a request is made to https://api.clearml.<REDACTED>.com/v2.24/reports.get_tags:

_ga=GA1.2.1314995386.1670580637; clearml_token_basic=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2OTQxODgxNzQsImV4cCI6MTY5Njc4MDE3NCwiYXV0aF90eXBlIjoiQmVhcmVyIiwiaWRlbnRpdHkiOnsicm9sZSI6InVzZXIiLCJjb21wYW55X25hbWUiOiJjbGVhcm1sIiwiY29tcGFueSI6ImQxYmQ5MmEzYjAzOTQwMGNiYWZjNjBhN2E1YjFlNTJiIiwidXNlciI6IjdlN2ZhZTVhM2FkYzA5YzI1MGNhMjk2ZjUwYWNmNTQ4IiwidXNlcl9uYW1lIjoiTWF0aGlhcyBIZXJiYXV4In0sImVudiI6Ijx1bmtub3duPiIsImFwaV92ZXJzaW9uIjoiMi4yNCIsInNlcnZlcl92ZXJzaW9uIjoiMS4xMC4wIiwic2VydmVyX2J1aWxkIjoiMzU3IiwiZmVhdHVyZV9zZXQiOiJiYXNpYyJ9.g_<REDACTED>

For standard requests to https://app.clearml.<REDACTED>.com (https://app.clearml.<REDACTED>.com/datasets
for example) , I only see a cookie without clearml token:


Can you share the cookie's properties? domain, secure, etc.?

mathrb commented

In the cookies section, I've got 2:

  1. https://app.clearml.<REDACTED>.com
    a. Name = _ga, Domain = .<REDACTED>.com, Path = /
  2. https://clearml.<REDACTED>.com
    a. Name = _ga, Domain = .<REDACTED>.com, Path = /
    b. Name = clearml_token_basic, Domain = clearml.<REDACTED>.com, Path = /
    I didn't shared the values since they have already been mentioned in my previous post.
    Are those the information you wanted?

These look OK...

mathrb commented

Is the issue my web browser (firefox/chrome) not forwarding the cookie to the app.clearml.<REDACTED>.com endpoint, whereas it is sent to the api.clearml.<REDACTED>.com endpoint ?

If that were the case than the WebApp would not work at all