
A BZFlag plug-in to save a player's spawn location when they reach checkpoints

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


GitHub release Minimum BZFlag Version License

This is a rewrite of the original Checkpoint plug-in that is used on obstacle course like maps to allow players to save their spawn positions.


  • C++11
  • BZFlag 2.4.20+

This plug-in follows my standard instructions for compiling plug-ins.


Loading the plug-in

This plug-in does not take any configuration options at load time.

-loadplugin Checkpoint

Custom BZDB Variables

These custom BZDB variables can be configured with -set in configuration files and may be changed at any time in-game by using the /set command.

-set <name> <value>
Name Type Default Description
_checkPointsLifetime int 5 Number of minutes a checkpoint record should be saved between rejoins for a player.
_clearCheckPointsOnCap bool false Whether or not to clear all checkpoints after a flag capture.

Custom Slash Commands

Command Permission Description
/checkpoints <sub command> spawn Slash command to interact with saved checkpoints.
/cp <sub command> spawn An alias for the checkpoints command.
  • /checkpoints list - List the 10 most recent checkpoints a player has reached
  • /checkpoints save - Save the current position the tank is in within a given checkpoint to serve as the exact spawn position for the next spawn
  • /checkpoints swap <checkpoint name> - Change your most recent checkpoint to respawn at a different location; you may only spawn at checkpoints you've reached before

Custom Map Objects

This plug-in introduces the CHECKPOINT map object which supports the traditional position, size, and rotation attributes for rectangular objects and position, height, and radius for cylindrical objects.

  name <name>
  position 0 0 0
  size 5 5 5
  rotation 0
  team <team>
  message <message>
  • name - A unique name to reference this zone; this is a required field
  • message (optional) - A message to send to the players when they have successfully entered the zone and have saved it
  • team (optional) - This option restricts the checkpoint to only be available to tanks of a certain color. If this option is left out, it'll apply to all teams. Supported values:
    • 0 - Rogue Team
    • 1 - Red Team
    • 2 - Green Team
    • 3 - Blue Team
    • 4 - Purple Team
    • 5 - Rabbit Team
    • 6 - Hunter Team
