'Document' object has no attribute 'words'
mashaonian opened this issue · 0 comments
How to resolve the issue 'Document' object has no attribute 'words'?
for sentence in doc.abstracts[0].sentences:
words = []
# skip the first two words, which header
for word in sentence.words:
print(" ".join(words)[:80] + "...")
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[9], line 4
2 words = []
3 # skip the first two words, which header
----> 4 for word in sentence.words:
5 words.append(word.text)
6 print(" ".join(words)[:80] + "...")
File ~/papermage/papermage/magelib/entity.py:105, in Entity.getattr(self, name)
103 try:
104 if len(self.spans) > 0:
--> 105 intersection = self.intersect_by_span(name=name)
106 if len(intersection) == 0 and len(self.boxes) > 0:
107 intersection = self.intersect_by_box(name=name)
File ~/papermage/papermage/magelib/entity.py:124, in Entity.intersect_by_span(self, name)
121 if self.layer.doc is None:
122 raise ValueError("This Entity's Layer is not attached to a Document")
--> 124 return self.layer.doc.intersect_by_span(query=self, name=name)
File ~/papermage/papermage/magelib/document.py:192, in Document.intersect_by_span(self, query, name)
190 def intersect_by_span(self, query: Entity, name: str) -> List[Entity]:
191 """Finds all entities that intersect with the query"""
--> 192 return self.get_layer(name=name).intersect_by_span(query=query)
69 def get_layer(self, name: str) -> Layer:
70 """Gets a layer by name. For example, doc.get_layer("sentences")
returns sentences."""
---> 71 return getattr(self, name)
AttributeError: 'Document' object has no attribute 'words'