
Unable to connect to the stick - Failed to parse

Closed this issue · 2 comments


I'm trying to use this library with an ESP-RZXe. I'm getting the following error message when trying to call controller.irrigate_zone(1.1) :

from pyrainbird import RainbirdController
controller = RainbirdController("‏","myPassword")

I am getting:

Unable to connect: Failed to parse: http://‏
Response not returned.
Unable to connect: Failed to parse: http://‏
Response not returned.
Unable to connect: Failed to parse: http://‏
Response not returned.
Empty response from controller

However, I can control the module from the RainBird Android application.

Anyone experiencing the same symptoms?

Version of the LNK WiFi module software : 1.63.
If needed, I could investigate this a bit more and intercept the http communication between the LNK module and my android app (with a dummy password, so that we can decrypt the payload).

Same issue here. Is there somekind of API reference guide made by rainbird. so i can fix it myself.

You should be able to enable debug logging to see more details about the request. Also see in the examples directory there is an mitmproxy add-on for decoding payloads.