
Add support for Battery Camera video WebRTC streams

allenporter opened this issue · 2 comments

See Release Notes for the new additions to the SDM API.

A WebRTC stream cannot be extended on battery-powered doorbells. If a stream on a doorbell needs to be viewed beyond the initial session length, stop the existing stream and generate a new one.
  • Need to determine if a particular doorbell supports WebRTC vs RTSP -- unclear how.

Hi Allen,
Just to add to this, the new Nest Outdoor Battery cams are also returning:

google_nest_sdm.exceptions.ApiException: Error from API: 400: INVALID_ARGUMENT: Command sdm.devices.commands.CameraLiveStream.GenerateRtspStream not supported.: Bad Request

Since I already have power there, I purchased the additional power cable for it. Not sure if that makes any difference in the streaming ability?

Yes, that is what this bug is tracking. The existing way to get a live stream doesn't work for these cameras.