
[Question] Could i upgrade AMBuild to use other compiler, e.g. Sourcepawn?

spumer opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi. I have a repo with a lot of plugins and extensions.
Some plugins has own dir and own .inc files.

I want build whole tree and copy .smx / .so files to final package.

If i change .inc file i want rebuild all plugins who depends from that.

First of all this needed to test, run build for each commit.
Second is i want describe which plugins/exts i want to collect and make "distribution package", which i can deploy to the game server (e.g. by gitlab ci/cd)

I'm Python developer, and it's not big a problem make this, but it will be helpful if you give some advices. Thank you :)

Sorry for getting to this so late - yes, AMBuild can do this, and perhaps we should make it a builtin feature. Until then you can copy this script:

This shows how to construct the spcomp command-line arguments and how to integrate it into AMBuild's dependency system. It requires a prebuilt copy of spcomp somewhere.