
Sockets are not closing

tian2992 opened this issue · 3 comments
Running as

app@server:~$ ~/bin/gwsocket -p 6547 --access-log=~/aclogz --ssl-key=~/sslz/privkey1.pem --ssl-cert=~/sslz/fullchain1.pem --pipeout=~/timelogs/sock

Thanks for reporting this. Which version of gwsocket are you running? Also, could you please run:

watch -n1 'netstat -np | grep -i gwsocket'

and check if they are being closed with and without --ssl*. Thanks.

Running 0.3 built from source 4f4dc79 .

there are a bunch of open sockets. Cannot try without ssl as it is moderately sensitive data being sent.

v0.4 is out. Multiple changes were added upstream that may have addressed this issue.

Closing this for now, feel free to reopen it as needed. Thank you!