
Feature request - client version of gwsocket (same style as gwsocket, but client, not server)

wb0gaz opened this issue · 0 comments

I found gwsocket today (27 August 2020) after some days of struggle to apply websockets with libwebsocket.

In about 1 hour, I downloaded gwsocket, compiled, installed, and configured examples just as described. Even successful with a small modification to gwsocket source code (demonstrate sending a fixed message in response to echo, rather than echo text, so I could be confident I could work with gwsocket source code.)

I am very pleased with gwsocket - it is very friendly system for inexperienced user! Thank you Gerardo Orellana!

I wish to request a client version of gwsocket - idea is it would be counterpart to gwsocket (server), with same concept of fifo/pipe local I/O, etc., and same basic design concepts (simple, clear implementation).

Having simple client of same style as gwsocket (simple, with pipe I/O) would provide benefit by enabling end-to-end websocket connectivity option for traditionally not-networked applications (in my case, industrial telemetry), where traditional IP sockets are no longer possible due to network constraints, and websockets are only solution.

(small note --- gwsocket is <100K bytes; websocket echo binary using libwebsockets and project's echo "simple example" (basically same function as gwsocket --echo mode) is ~2.5M bytes.)

Thank you again for gwsocket!