multivariate penguin vignettes
friendly opened this issue · 1 comments
friendly commented
I completed another vignette, published on Rpubs
Can you please edit the vignettes/articles/user_contributions.Rmd
file to include these links
Links to user-contributed examples, posts and vignettes:
Penguins data: Multivariate EDA
- Author: Michael Friendly
- Description: These examples show the use of multivariate exploratory visualization methods -- principal component analysis and biplots -- to understand the relations among variables in the penguins data set.
Penguins data: MANOVA and HE plots
- Author: Michael Friendly
- Description: This vignette illustrates the use of MANOVA, HE plots and canonical discriminant analysis in the analysis of the Palmer penguins data.
allisonhorst commented
Both examples are added to user contributed examples. Thanks!