
multivariate penguin vignettes

friendly opened this issue · 1 comments

I completed another vignette, published on Rpubs

Can you please edit the vignettes/articles/user_contributions.Rmd file to include these links

Links to user-contributed examples, posts and vignettes:

  • Penguins data: Multivariate EDA

    • Author: Michael Friendly
    • Description: These examples show the use of multivariate exploratory visualization methods -- principal component analysis and biplots -- to understand the relations among variables in the penguins data set.
  • Penguins data: MANOVA and HE plots

    • Author: Michael Friendly
    • Description: This vignette illustrates the use of MANOVA, HE plots and canonical discriminant analysis in the analysis of the Palmer penguins data.

Both examples are added to user contributed examples. Thanks!