
Add packages for open-source headless CMS

Opened this issue · 4 comments

The @saus/netlify-cms package would export a useNetlifyCms function that hooks into Saus to add a renderer and a route (it uses /admin/ by default). It might also inject state for pages with CMS data. I haven't looked much into how an integration would work, but perhaps it would also export helpers for creating "state fragments" (a new feature coming in saus@0.5) that load data from the CMS as well.

I would probably write the Saus docs with this. 🤔

Tina CMS is another good option

Another one: Frontaid

Nice part about this one is you don't need to host the admin interface, but it's still git-based

This one is clever. Using Notion API as a headless CMS :)

Two options here:

Someone detailed their experience here.