MacVim leaves a Vim process open after closing
ajsharp opened this issue · 3 comments
Fairly frequently, I'll save a file, and MacVim will seemingly kind of hang, so I'll quit the app via Vmd-Q. Then, I'll hear my laptop fans kick on, and I found there was a Vim process still open. This process seems to be be tied to a kernel_task process that consumes a lot of cpu power and I have to kill the Vim process manually.
Has anyone else seen this type of behavior?
I did see those around the time MacVim itself was still settling in on Lion, but haven’t seen them lately. Are you still experiencing them?
I'm still getting this + memory leaks (1.6GB after a while) causing my whole system to hang (I "only" have 4GB)… :\
Does this still happen? It is likely that it is a macvim issue itself that was maybe solved in the mean time.