
for the moment this is duplicated code from ModerationCogBase in a attempt to get the code out sooner...

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# TODO: for the moment this is duplicated code from ModerationCogBase in a attempt to get the code out sooner

class Poll(commands.Cog):
    def __init__(self, bot: Tux) -> None: = bot
        self.case_controller = CaseController()

    # TODO: for the moment this is duplicated code from ModerationCogBase in a attempt to get the code out sooner
    async def is_pollbanned(self, guild_id: int, user_id: int) -> bool:
        Check if a user is poll banned.

        guild_id : int
            The ID of the guild to check in.
        user_id : int
            The ID of the user to check.

            True if the user is poll banned, False otherwise.

        ban_cases = await self.case_controller.get_all_cases_by_type(guild_id, CaseType.POLLBAN)
        unban_cases = await self.case_controller.get_all_cases_by_type(guild_id, CaseType.POLLUNBAN)

        ban_count = sum(case.case_user_id == user_id for case in ban_cases)
        unban_count = sum(case.case_user_id == user_id for case in unban_cases)

        return (
            ban_count > unban_count
        )  # TODO: this implementation is flawed, if someone bans and unbans the same user multiple times, this will not work as expected

    @commands.Cog.listener()  # listen for messages
    async def on_message(self, message: discord.Message) -> None: