Allure.NUnit: Report exceptions from OneTimeSetUp methods of class fixtures
delatrie opened this issue · 5 comments
I'm submitting a ...
- bug report
- feature request
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What is the current behavior?
If a [OneTimeSetUp] method fails, all test results of the class fixture aren't included in the report. The error, therefore, remains unreported.
What is the expected behavior?
If possible, skipped test results should be created. That might be tricky as, at first glance, NUnit doesn't provide the list of scheduled tests (it provides the list of all tests in the class instead; the user might have selected only a subset of them).
An alternative approach would be reporting the error in a surrogate test result. We already do something similar in Allure SpecFlow and Allure Reqnroll.
What is the motivation / use case for changing the behavior?
Include the information about the error that occurred during the run. That information might be important to the user.
Unfortunately, can't tell for sure now. Will provide you with more details as soon as I have any.