
🐞: Variables in Spock BDD blocks not substituted

karltiirik opened this issue · 1 comments

What happened?

  1. Project
  2. Run tests ./gradlew clean test
  3. Generate report ./gradlew allureServe
  4. A test with a variable both in the test name and "given" block
    Kuvatõmmis 2023-10-12 235204

Expect: Both variables replaced with actual value
Actual: Variable replaced in test name, but not in "given" text
Kuvatõmmis 2023-10-12 235714

What Allure Integration are you using?


What version of Allure Integration you are using?


What version of Allure Report you are using?


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baev commented

I'm not sure this is possible until spockframework/spock#538 is fixed