
Allusion could not load some images

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Describe the bug
If filename in image contain non latin charcter like japanese or chinese image dont load in allusion

To Reproduce
Add non latin characters to image

Expected behavior
Ability to load images with non latin characters

Allusion version
v1.0.0 rc 5.3

Desktop OS
Windows 10

Hi! I can't reproduce this, the full size image and thumbnails load up fine for me for the couple of images I've tried it with. Could you maybe send over one of those files?

The issue might also lay elsewhere, do you notice any other unusual similarities like the file format, or the symbols in the folder those files are stored in?

here is a example of the picture
i renamed it to 01.jpg and it still gave me that error
i delete it and try add again and again until it works , so sorry for the confusion with non latin characters but i see that as mainly culprit as they was with japanese characters and other nonsense. but i think it lays elsewhere , maybe too big resolution ?
but when image load properly it loads then properly everytime , i am baffled what culprit is

name of folder is SERIES/13 SENTINELS AEGIS RIM/Chihiro Morimura

After some testing i found out Allusion hate this symbol "#"

encounter some other bug with images or images are weird
thumbnail has borders and when i open image it looks zoomed in and in in resolution its ??x??. In other image viewrs etc.. image is shown correctly

somehow it is ok when i use this site to optimize jpg and image is now showed correctly in Allusion. dont really know if image is somehow corrupted or Allusion interpret it wrong.

Ah, yes, I can confirm # in filenames causes some trouble. Just when you think when you've patched them all, there are always more edge cases... Will fix that soon!

That last image you sent is a weird one. When that file is opened by Allusion, the file size is detected as 0 bytes, which causes some issues. But it clearly is a proper file, the file size shows up properly in Windows explorer. Not sure what we can do about that 🤔

In worst case scenario i will fix them over that site i mention manually, bad is i have like hundreds of them like that. First i think it is just too much huge resolution but Allusion show much bigger images no problem. Secondly i think image just get corrupted somehow but it shows ok everywhere else and i just mention i have hundreds of them like that.
Atleast is easy to find them.

Or maybe you figure something out.
Thank you for your hard work. :)

Hello, I am experiencing exactly the same problem.

I have done a few tests and found out that:

  1. Removing "#" from the filenames fixed some of the images.
  2. For other images having a size of ?x?, renaming the files to something else and then reloading Allusion would fix the problem (However, after reopening Allusion, the renamed file would be considered as a complete new file, and the tags associated with the old file won't migrate to the renamed file).

Both my folder name and filename contain non-Latin characters, and it seems like they weren't the cause of this strange behavior (I did the same tests while putting the images in question into English only paths).