
Auto tagging setting related to folder

katoosky opened this issue · 3 comments

This app is very useful and helpful for me.
I use this app for managing massive images by tagging and exporting tag to files.
But I already always sort image by folders

So I hit upon an idea of auto tagging setting related with Locations folders.
It is a setting that be able to set each folder
e.f. right clicking a folder

I think I get what you mean: Automatically tagging images with a tag corresponding to the name of the folder they're in. We've experimented with this before, but never completely finished it. It only worked when creating a Location, not for any new images added to those folders afterwards. This should be relatively easy to include in the next release 🤞
To also automatically tag images after creating the Location is a bit more difficult, since the folder names can change, maybe in a future version!

any update on this ? it would be a great addition for mass-tagging

we haven't gotten around to it unfortunately, I've moved it up in our to-do list!