
[FR] Making the Untagged query button append to search

cptvincer opened this issue · 1 comments

I love the ease of use of the untagged search button, amazing idea!

But way more often then going through all pictures untagged i sort through folders, one at a time... and the ease of use of the untagged button ends up lost, since clicking it replaces the current query (like a path/folder) for the untagged query for everything.
The alternatives are:
-going into advanced search, clicking new condition, choosing on the dropdown tag, choosing not contaim, confirming
-clicking on the all untagged button, loosing the current query(like wich subfolder i was previously looking at), finding that particular folder on a long list of folders, right clicking and choosing add to search

It got trickier for me now since adding folders reached a point where Allusion doesnt count files anymore, wich ended up breaking any queries without a path (no path=no results), leaving me with making a custom advanced search every time i go into a folder looking for untagged itens.

Idea 1: Right Click, Add
That would keep the untagged button as is but adding a submenu on right click with the option to add to search instead of replace

Idea 2: always add
Shifting the button to always adding to search, leaving to the user wether to keep any paths on the search or search for all.

thanks! You're really stress-testing it :)

Yeah, we could do the same thing as we do in the tags panel: ctrl (or cmd) + click can be additive. A context menu would also be nice indeed