
[FR] Always Import IPTC/metadata toggle

cptvincer opened this issue · 0 comments

The export to metadata is extremely useful- as im taking Allusion for a spin and trying to find a good balance in performance ive hit some walls (crash on startup, checking too many folders for example) and figured out i could just rotate folders (specially useful excluded sub-folders +re-include).

And turns out the export to metadata is great for that- saving tags to metadata before removing a folder and re-importing then when re-including the folder

Im wondering if a setting toggle option to always import metadata could be done- surely it would spend more time when adding pictures, but that would be time already spent if someone like me would manually import later anyway.

The thing is, manually clicking to import is worse: if i tell Allusion to re-include like 5 subfolders and restart i would need to remenber wich folders at wich level on a subtree i had just re-included, and then go one by one importing metadata.
The alternative would be running the import when all pictures are show- and that would take waaay too long and re-parse every file that i already imported metadata prior.