
Untagged images count is higher when all images are being viewed

Lopai-Cutochi-Fomeno opened this issue · 0 comments

Bug description
When I look at the untagged images, all the images that should be there appear and the correct count is visible in the bottom left (2). When I look at all images though, it shows a number that is +2 higher and that appears at any image count so right now it is 4.
And when there are no untagged images left it shows 2 in both views.

View All with 2 untagged images

View Untagged with 2 untagged images

View All with 0 untagged images

View Untagged with 0 untagged images

I do not know how exactly I made that happen so I can't tell how to reproduce the bug.

Expected behavior
I expect to see the correct number of untagged images in both views.

Allusion version
Allusion version is v1.0.0-rc7.3 but it already appeared in the version before.

Desktop OS
Windows 10 Pro Version 21H1

I know this is not a groundbreaking bug but I would love if there was a fix for it. Thank you for providing such an amazing tool to us all, I appreciate your work and effort!