
Deleting one Tag deletes all other tags, but also doesn't show image in "untagged images" section.

Diaphonos opened this issue · 2 comments

I was done with a project so I deleted the tag related to the project in Allusion, this action however removed all other tags attached to said images as well, but didn't release the image into the "untagged images" sorting menu. The icon does indicate 5 images untagged, but the menu itself shows nothing.

I have attached screenshots to show both the untagged images menu, and an example of an image that I found under "all images" later with all tags purged.

Allusion version v1.0.0 rc7.3

Windows 11 Home

I found a temporary workaround with viewing all images in list mode and eyeballing images that don't have tags, and manually added the missing tags back to the 5 images that got stripped, but it's still a potential problem for tag deletion.

Oof, sorry about that, that's a nasty bug. We should really write more thorough automated tests for these sorts of operations

I've found and fixed the issue, it'll be included in the next release!