
Web Clipper for Firefox

sambody opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello. I'd like to suggest this feature request: to add a web clipper for Firefox, with the same functionality as for Chrome - downloading and tagging images from websites.
Since Firefox is my default browser.

Hello! I gave it a go, you can try it out here:

It was surprisingly simple to make it compatible, but I had to make some changes. Let me know if you notice any weird behavior!

Hi. What a nice surprise. It works. (Firefox on Mac)

My feedback:

  • I was a bit confused in the beginning, because when saving (using right click menu), there was no notification that said anything was saved. I had to check Allusion to see it was saved. Then I did see the little number on the icon, so after clicking I saw that I could add tags, for the image that... was already saved. An improvement might be, when saving an image for the first time, to get a notification or popup that says something like: "Your image have been saved. Optionnally, you can add tags to it directly here." It would make the process more clear.
  • I noticed that empty tags (empty field for tags) gets saved. I don't think any tag should be saved if the tags field is empty. (Someone might click submit just to confirm saving the image, as I did.)

Anyway, thanks a lot for your work.

Nice, thanks for giving it a go!

  • I did initially add a browser notification when images were saved successfully, but those got annoying real quick. I only left them for when an error occurs.
    I've tried to get the popup panel to appear automatically, but that popup panel of the extension badge it not allowed to be opened programmatically. Other extensions workaround this by inserting a panel into the page you're viewing, which feels wrong from my perspective, but it would indeed be a better user experience - we'll look into it
  • Woops, good catch! I'll add a check for that 👌