
Cpu load in idle constantly over 11-15%

Jopp-gh opened this issue · 4 comments

Describe the bug
my cpu load is constantly over 11% - 15%, this is definitely not a normal value
Apps in idle shouldn't consume more than cpu loads of 0.x %. One or two render helper processes cause this load, please see the attachments (logs and images)

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Start Allusion
  2. keep Allusion running, in background, idle

Expected behavior
I am using other Electron based apps and do not experience the same cpu load, (Tropy, massCode, VSCode, etc) these apps also run several render helpers in background, without issues

14. September 2022
Bildschirmfoto 2022-09-15 um 00 33 24
Bildschirmfoto 2022-09-15 um 00 36 37
15. September 2022
Bildschirmfoto 2022-09-15 um 21 20 10

Allusion version

  • v1.0.0-rc 8.1

Desktop OS

  • MacOs Mojave, 10.14.6

Additional context
14. September 2022
Analyse von „Allusion Helper (Renderer)“30%.txt
Analyse von „Allusion Helper (Renderer)“40%.txt
15. September 2022
Analyse von „Allusion Helper (Renderer)“ 95%.txt

10 October 2022
Allusion version - v1.0.0 rc 9
Desktop OS - MacOs Mojave, 10.14.6

Analyse von „Allusion Helper (Renderer)“.txt

Allusion Helper (Renderer) causes 84-100% cpu load, 16% in total, idle

Thanks for the report! I've had a look through those log files but I can't make much of of those. It all seems to be internal Electron stacktraces which we don't have much control over

What might help us more is a performance snapshot from the DevTools (Settings > Advanced > Toggle DevTools):
You can record a couple of seconds of normal usage and then export it as JSON using the up-arrow icon in the top left

I haven't been able to reproduce this on my machines either, so it might be MacOS-specific. I don't have access to one of them unfortunately

Thanks for checking out this issue,
please see the attachments, profile at the bottom
