Cannot launch script that uses curl since curl is missing from docker build
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psmith3 commented
I need another set of eyes on my problem. I am trying to launch a simple script with a curl command to do a get on an IFTTT web hook. I have my hooks.json file launching the script successfully, but finally came to the realization that curl is not installed in the build. Is there an alternative in this build to curl that would launch a URL get to IFTTT? I have opened a shell into the running docker image and tried to install curl into the running image, but that will not work either. Any ideas?
stefancrain commented
I've confirmed this missing in the base image.
$ docker exec -it {docker_webhook_container_name) /bin/sh
/ # curl
/bin/sh: curl: not found
But I do see that wget
is included.
As mentioned in the README you can create your own image.
FROM almir/webhook
RUN apk add --update curl && \
rm -rf /var/cache/apk/*
COPY hooks.json.example /etc/webhook/hooks.json
CMD ["-verbose", "-hooks=/etc/webhook/hooks.json", "-hotreload"]