
Fix documentation website on mobile phones

alongubkin opened this issue · 4 comments

Fix documentation website on mobile phones

Seems that the nav column on the left when the browser width hits the breakpoint min-width: 992px; isn't removed from the flow but instead shrunken. So if I were to set a breakpoint at max-width: 992px; for the nav column and have it set to display: none; then the content column is no longer squashed and fills the width of the screen completely.

So my next question is would you like to have the nav column positioned vertically above the content column when it hits the breakpoint then as the user scrolls it is stuck at the top? Also the nav column would become compressed just like the main navigation bar of the website.

@camelCaseD I don't think so, let's just hide it on mobile.

@alongubkin Okay I'll create a PR.

@camelCaseD Awesome, thanks!