
First example does not work

hdzierz opened this issue · 5 comments

When I ran your first very simple example I got an error

pql.find("a > 1 and b == 'foo' or not c.d == False")
ParseError: Unsupported syntax (NameConstant). options: ['Call', 'Dict', 'List', 'Name', 'Num', 'Str', 'operator_and_right']

I think you need to replace False with null.

pql.find("a > 1 and b == 'foo' or not c.d == null")
Out[24]: {'$or': [{'a': 1}, {'$and': [{'b': '2'}, {'c.d': None}]}]}

I used Python 3.5.



It seems the library doesn't support python 3. I'll fix it soon.

sp98 commented


Not work now :(

you can install pqlpython3