
Extensible Functions

lbosson opened this issue · 3 comments


First off I want to say great stuff! This library has really helped enhance an internal tool here at Jawbone where we used to require mongo query language.

Perhaps I missed something but I couldn't figure out how to add generic functions or types short of using a schema or monkey patching. The find method instantiates either SchemaFreeParser or the SchemaParser so there is no way to extend those (without patching). Perhaps find could take a parser as a parameter instead of instantiating one? Also, the issue I had with using the scheme is I don't have a complete schema so I only wanted to define certain fields with a specific type. Perhaps SchemaParser could fall back to GenericField/Type when not found in the map?

We store our timestamps in unix epoch. So I wanted a function to allow a user to compare a timestamp to a human readable date. Here's how I ended up adding EpochFunc to pql:

class EpochFunc(pql.matching.Func):
    def handle_epoch(self, node):
        return self.parse_arg(node, 0, EpochField())

class EpochField(pql.matching.AlgebricField):
    def handle_Str(self, node):
        dt = dateutil.parser.parse(node.s)
        return float(dt.strftime('%s.%f'))

    def handle_Num(self, node):
        return node.n

    def handle_Call(self, node):
        return EpochFunc().handle(node)

class GenericFunc(pql.matching.StringFunc, pql.matching.IntFunc, pql.matching.ListFunc, pql.matching.DateTimeFunc, pql.matching.IdFunc, EpochFunc):

# Monkey Patch GenericFunc with our GenericFunc which includes EpochFunc
pql.matching.GenericFunc = GenericFunc

Possible Asks:

  1. Allow a parser to be passed to find.
  2. Have SchemaParser fall back to Generic when field map misses.
  3. Have a way to extend generic functions.


  1. I'll do it.
  2. Could you do it by passing in a defaultdict?
  3. I'll think about this when I get back from vacation.
    I'll also add support for epochs (not sure about the dateutil format though, will have to see which timestamp format feels better)

Thanks for the ideas!

  1. Excellent!
  2. I don't believe this will work because resolve_field in SchemaAwareOperatorMap checks to see if the field is in the map with "in". Also, I am using python 2.6 (shame on me).
  3. The dateutil parser parses a bunch of various string date formats. Very similar to what you have done with your date parser. I was just lazy, I haven't compared the two.

If you would like me to work on a patch for anything let me know. I'd be glad to help out.


P.S. Enjoy your vacation!

I ended up doing the following:

  1. 'find' is just a shortcut for the trivial use cases. perhaps advanced users should use parsers themselves. I kinda prefer leaving it like it, not sure.
  2. It now does a getitem so defaultdict will work
  3. replaced to dateutil and added your epoch field.

Thanks again!