
Macports Build Fails

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Had to download the zip, modify the and perform some other gymnastics.
Process needs to be tested as per instructions on a clean system (I dont have a clean system on hand to do this with)

first of all, thanks for making the effort of opening the tickets.
now, can you please provide more information? what errors did you have? what changes have you made to solve the problems? I tried uninstalling everything and re-install and it worked..

Needed to use pytrace again. Had to go through the process of install, this time I made notes!

Macports libraries were no good, python was unable to find them when build was invoked. Manually downloading and building (./configure && make && etc) both protocol buffers and protobuf-c from their respective source code archives letting them install into /usr/ using system defaults rather than macports /opt/ subdirs seems to fix the 'cant find library' issue. Suspect the library paths being searched need to be changed, attempted some fixes in my own dir but was unsuccessful and resorted to the manual compile which worked fine.