
SCSS helpers and tools for every day usage

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Table of contents:

SCSS Goodies

SCSS helpers and tools for every day usage

For details about the current helpers and tools, please see below.

This is a WIP. New tools and helpers will be added.


You can download this repository directly or install it via npm or yarn:

npm i scss-goodies

# or

yarn add scss-goodies


If installed via npm or yarn, just @import the main file:

@import 'scss-goodies';
/* or if that does not work */
@import 'scss-goodies/index.scss';
/* if you're in a webpack context, prepend a ~ in front of the path */
@import '~scss-goodies';

If manually downloaded, then copy the scss-goodies folder in your application folder and manually import the index.scss file or the file that you wish to use.

More details about each file can be found below.



This mixin creates grid rules automagically.

There are several variables which can be tweaked to match your project's requirement and then the mixin is ready to be used.

Here are the defaults:

$grid-cols: 12; // Number of grid columns
$grid-sizes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6; // Grid column sizes
$grid-gutter: 16px; // Gap between grid items. Use anything but % values cuz Firefox does not like it...
$grid-element: '.o-grid'; // Selector for the grid element
$grid-breakpoints: ( // Map of breakpoints used for media queries
	'small': 0px,
	'medium': 768px,
	'large': 1024px

For a quick demo, please see this pen.

You can control the size of the grid items on all supported resolutions by using data-* attributes.

@import 'scss-goodies/helpers/grid';

Then use the mixin:

 * @param $items     - Number of grid items
 * @param $gutter    - Gutter between items
@include grid($items, $gutter);


This is a mixin for multiple color stops gradient without blurs and fading between stops. You can see a demo here.

To import only this mixin, use

@import 'scss-goodies/helpers/rainbow';

Then use the mixin:

 * @param $colors    - SCSS Map of colors
 * @param $stops     - SCSS Map of color stops
 * @param $direction - One of 'horizontal' or 'vertical'
@include rainbow($colors, $stops, $direction);


This is a mixin for cross-browser styling of default (native) select elements. You can see a demo here

To import only this mixin, use

@import 'scss-goodies/helpers/select';

Then use the mixin:

 * @param: $text-color       - Color of the text
 * @param: $border-color     - Color of the border
 * @param: $background-color - Color of the background
 * @param: $shadow-color     - Color of the box-shadow
@include select($text-color, $border-color, $background-color, $shadow-color);


This is a mixin for triangle shape with rounded corners (or without, it's up to you). The triangle can also have a gradient background. You can see a demo here.

To import only this mixin, use

@import 'scss-goodies/helpers/triangle';

Then use the mixin:

 * @param: $size       - width/height of the triangle. Default: 2rem
 * @param: $background - any valid CSS background declaration. Default: red
 * @param: $radius     - true or false (if false, no radius). Default: true
@include rainbow($size, $background, $radius);


This is a mixin which, when included, prevents long text strings from breaking out of their container (and introducing horizontal scrollbars). For more info, please refer to this CSS Tricks post.

To import only this mixin, use

@import 'scss-goodies/helpers/unbreak';

Then use the mixin:

 * @param: $hyphens - one of 'none', 'manual' or 'auto'. Default: auto
@include unbreak($hyphens);

SVG Loader

This is an animated SVG loader with predefined SVG image embeded into the stylesheet.

To import only this mixin, use

@import 'scss-goodies/helpers/loader';

Then use the mixin:

 * @param: $loader     - SVG image code. Defaults to [this](https://github.com/scriptex/scss-goodies/blob/master/helpers/_loader.scss#L3)
 * @param: $repeat     - background-repeat property. Default: no-repeat
 * @param: $position   - background-position property. Default: 50% 50%
 * @param: $size       - background-size property. Default: 2rem 2rem
@include loader($loader, $repeat, $position, $size);

Full bleed

This is a mixin for full-width elements. If you want an element to fit the screen width, use this mixin.

To import only this mixin, use

@import 'scss-goodies/helpers/full-bleed';

Then use the mixin:

@include full-bleed();

Aspect ratio

This is a mixin for setting the aspect ratio of elements.

Please see the demo here.

To import only this mixin, use

@import 'scss-goodies/helpers/aspect-ratio';

Then use the mixin:

 * @param: $shape - shape of the aspect ratio. Either "rect" or "square". Default: rect
@include aspect-ratio($shape);

Auto grid

Progressively enhanced, fully responsive grid without media queries.

Please see the demo here.

To import only this mixin, use

@import 'scss-goodies/helpers/auto-grid';

Then use the mixin:

 * @param: $min-size - min-size of a grid item. Default: 16rem
 * @param: $gap      - gap between grid items. Default: 1rem
@include auto-grid(10rem, 0.5rem);

Font size

Set the font-size of an element in REMs while providing PX fallback.

Please see the demo here.

To import only this mixin, use

@import 'scss-goodies/helpers/font-size';

Then use the mixin:

 * @param: $size - font size in pixels (without "px" suffix).
 * @param: $rem  - font size of 1rem (without "px" suffix). Default: 16
@include font-size(12);

Text truncate

Prevent a line of text to break by truncating the overflowed text.

To import only this mixin, use

@import 'scss-goodies/helpers/text-truncate';

Then use the mixin:

 * @param: $overflow-style - CSS text-overflow. Default: ellipsis
@include text-truncate(clip);

Scroll Shadow

Create a top and bottom scrolling shadow effect as explained in Lea Verou's article.

Please see the demo here.

To import only this mixin, use

@import 'scss-goodies/helpers/scroll-shadow';

Then use the mixin:

 * @param: $background 	- HEX Color - the color of the shadow
 * @param: $color		- HEX Color - the color of the shadow
 * @param: $size 		- number - the size of the shadow
@include scroll-shadow(#fff, #000, 10);


Hover media query

This is a(n experimental) media query for detecting devices which support hover. Since IE does not support this, the hover will work in any version of IE (above 9 of course) which makes the hover media just noise.

To import only this file, use

@import 'scss-goodies/tools/hover';

Then use the media query:

@include hover {
	/* your hover state goes here */

String replace function

A handy function which replaces all occurences of a string in another string.

To import only this file, use

@import 'scss-goodies/tools/string-replace';

Then use the function:

$string: 'something meaningful';
$search: 'meaningful';
$replace: 'awesome';

$result: str-replace($string, $search, $replace: '');

 * $result should equal to 'something awesome'

Mixin for SVG background

This is similar to the loader mixin but accepts a valid SVG code as first argument

To import only this mixin, use

@import 'scss-goodies/tools/svg-background';

Then use the mixin:

 * @param: $svg        - SVG image code
 * @param: $repeat     - background-repeat property. Default: no-repeat
 * @param: $position   - background-position property. Default: 0 0
 * @param: $size       - background-size property. Default: 100% 100%
@include background-svg($svg, $repeat, $position, $size);

Mixin for multiple SVG background image

This mixins accepts a list of SVG image codes and returns a background-image containing all of the SVGs

To import only this mixin, use

@import 'scss-goodies/tools/svg-background-multiple';

Then use the mixin:

 * Each parameter is a valid SVG code string
@include multi-background-svg($svg1, $svg2, $svg3, $svg4);

Function for converting SVG code to CSS friendly encoded string

This function accepts a valid SVG code as string and returns base64 encoded string.

To import only this function, use

@import 'scss-goodies/tools/svg-url';

Then use the function:

$svg-image: '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">MORE SVG CODE HERE</svg>';
$svg-string: svg-url($svg-image);

Function for easy usage of CSS custom properties

Let's say that you have several CSS custom properties defined:

:root {
	--main-color: #bada55;
	--font-size-base: 1.25rem;

And you use these custom properties everywhere. Instead of doing this:

body {
	font-size: var(--font-size-base);
	color: var(--main-color);

you can do this:

@import 'scss-goodies/tools/v';

body {
	font-size: v(font-size-base);
	color: v(main-color);

Mixin for media query

Get a media query for a given breakpoint.

To import only this mixin, use

@import 'scss-goodies/tools/mq';

Then use the mixin:

 * @param: $breakpoint  - One of the predefined in the third argument
 * @param: $type        - "min" or "max". "min" makes it mobile-first, "max" makes it desktop-first. Default: "min"
 * @param: $breakpoints - map of breakpoints. Defaults to $breakpoints below.

$breakpoints: (
	'phone': 320px,
	'phone-wide': 480px,
	'phablet': 560px,
	'tablet-small': 640px,
	'tablet': 768px,
	'tablet-wide': 1024px,
	'desktop': 1280px,
	'desktop-wide': 1440px

body {
	@include font-size(16);

	@include mq(desktop, max) {
		@include font-size(14);

	@include mq(tablet, max) {
		@include font-size(12);