Raylisp is a Common Lisp raytracing system. It is a toy, and a fun way to explore some aspects of graphics programming -- not a serious project. The author Nikodemus Siivola <nikodemus@random-state.net> works on it only sporadically, when the mood strikes. That said, the architecture -- while neither polished nor stable -- has some interesting design features: * Protocol oriented: Raylisp tries to work by building clean and flexible protocols. Eg. adding new geometric primitives requires just subclassing SCENE-OBJECT and defining a method on COMPUTE-OBJECT-PROPERTIES. Enabling CSG is a matter of defining a method on COMPUTE-CSG-PROPERTIES. Exploring directories objects/, patterns/, shaders/, cameras/, and lights/ will give a good idea of how things work. * Layered, sort of: This is closely related to the protocol orientation. There are conceptually two main layers: the scene layer and the rendering layer. The scene layer uses CLOS and generic functions for flexibility, whereas the rendering layer is very performance oriented. The chief role of protocols is to mediate transformations from the scene layer to the rendering layer. * Shader based: Nothing new in this day and age, but you can shade points on objects using arbitrary functions, etc. Again, this is closely related to the protocol orientation. Finally, a caveat: Raylisp is SBCL only software. While it can certainly be ported to pretty much any working Common Lisp (there are no deep incompatibilities), the performance depends on some SBCL specific features, and the author has little motivation to maintain it for other platforms -- it's not like he's maintaining it properly in the first place. Oh, and Raylisp is open source, under an MIT style licence. See LICENCE for more information.
Raytracer in Common Lisp, used sb-cga for vectorization.